Saturday, October 11, 2014

International Girl Child Day/Svetovni dan deklic

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I wrote this text in Slovenian and in English for Kids Are the World, but it's an issue very close to my heart and I wanted to share it here as well. I saw the importance of education for girls in the developing world first hand and I think it's very important to continue raising awareness. Education is the most powerful tool against poverty! 

Our little girl in the Gambia, Fatima, started nursery school last week and without the help of a sponsor, she would probably never be able to to do and become one of those 65 million girls worldwide who remain uneducated. She is the only child of a very young single mother and we'll do everything in our power to support her in making a better future for herself. Every person counts and every individual can make a difference in the world. 

International Girl Child Day 11.10.2014: "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence"

Have you ever thought, what is it like, when a girl can't eat breakfast in the morning, go to school or kindergarten, learn and have a safe and stable childhood? This is the reality of many girls in developing countries. There is no time for school, play, relaxation, whispering secrets with friends, playing with Barbies, reading or exploring her surroundings. A lot of girls worldwide still have to face discrimination these days, simply because they are girls. But it's of vital importance that we take action against these problems for the following reasons:
  • for each extra year a girl spends in school, her income raises for 15 to 20%
  • if 10% more girls go to school, the GDP of the country raises for 3% on average
  • an educated woman will marry later and she will have less children, who will also be more healthy
  • women invest more of their income into their family than men
  • each extra year of a mother's schooling lessens infant mortality for 5 to 10%

As you can see, the facts speak for themselves. If you empower a girl with education, she will change the lives of everyone around her. Without that, there is a greater chance that she will marry young, have children early and spend the rest of her life in poverty. Countries in development see 1 out of 3 girls getting married before they turn 18. That is 14 million girls per year, almost 39 thousand every day and 1 every 3 minutes.

Every girl has a right to education, but the sad fact is that 65 million girls never get to go to school and even more are struggling to stay where they belong – in the classroom. Girls are taken out of school every day, forced to marry young or become victims of violence at school. There are many obstacles that prevent them from getting an education: early and forced marriage, poverty, poor health and nutrition, violence at school, long distance to school, school fees and other school related expenses, family care and household duties and lack of toilets just for girls.

Girls in The Gambia

Gambia has been successful in achieving an equal primary school enrolment ratio between boys and girls: 103 girls for 100 boys, but this number gets lower with every extra school year. The finishing rate for primary school is 74 girls for 100 boys. Girls finish their education with 6 years of lower primary school on average. 87 girls for 100 boys go to secondary school. They face similar difficulties as their peers in other developing countries: poverty, school fees and other school expenses, taking care of family and the household, early marriage, early pregnancy, … The literacy rate among adult women in the Gambia is currently around 25%. 46.5 % of girls get married before they turn 18. They have no chances of going back to school and continuing their education after that.

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Svetovni dan deklic 11.10. 2014

Ste kdaj pomislili, kako je, če deklica zjutraj ne more pojesti zajtrka, oditi v šolo ali vrtec, se izobraževati in imeti varno in stabilno otroštvo? Za deklico v državi v razvoju pa je to realnost. V njenem dnevu ni časa ali priložnosti za šolo, za igro, za sprostitev, za šepetanje skrivnosti s prijateljicami, za igranje z barbikami, branje knjig in raziskovanje okolice. V današnjih časih se veliko deklic po vsem svetu še vedno sooča z diskriminacijo preprosto zato, ker so deklice. Vendar pa je bistvenega pomena, da ob teh težavah čim prej ukrepamo iz naslednjih razlogov:

  • za vsako dodatno leto, ki ga deklica preživi v šoli, njen dohodek naraste za 15 do 20%
  • če 10% več deklic obiskuje šolo, se BDP države v povprečju zviša za 3%
  • izobražena ženska se bo kasneje poročila in bo imela manj otrok, ki bodo tudi bolj zdravi
  • ženske v svoje družine vložijo več svojega dohodka kot moški
  • vsako dodatno leto materinega šolanja zmanjša umrljivost dojenčka za 5 do 10%

Dejstva govorijo zase. Če deklica pridobi notranjo moč in večjo samozavest z izobrazbo, bo spremenila svet vseh okrog sebe. Brez tega pa je večja verjetnost, da se bo mlada poročila, imela zgodaj otroke in preživela svoje življenje v revščini. V državah v razvoju se pred dopolnjenim 18. letom poroči 1 od 3 deklet: to je 14 milijonov deklet na leto, skoraj 39 tisoč vsak dan in 1 vsake 3 minute.

Vsaka deklica ima pravico do izobrazbe, vendar je zelo žalosten podatek, da 65 milijonov deklic ne more obiskovati šole, še več pa se jih bori, da bi lahko ostale tam, kamor spadajo – v učilnici. Vsak dan deklice jemljejo iz šol, jih premlade poročijo ali pa postanejo žrtev nasilja v šoli. Vendar pa je veliko ovir, zaradi katerih se ne morejo izobraževati: zgodnja in prisilna poroka, revščina, slabo zdravje in prehrana, skrb za družino in za gospodinjstvo, nasilje v šoli, dolga razdalja do šole, šolnine in drugi s šolanjem povezani stroški in pomanjkanje ločenih sanitarij.

Deklice v Gambiji

V Gambiji so na ravni osnovne šole uspeli doseči enako razmerje med dečki in deklicami. Šolo obiskujejo 103 deklice na 100 dečkov, vendar pa to število začne upadati z vsakim dodatnim letom šolanja. Osnovno šolo dokonča le 74 deklic na 100 dečkov. V povprečju deklice svoje izobraževanje končajo po 6 letih nižje osnovne šole. Srednjo šolo obiskuje 87 deklet na 100 fantov.
Pri izobraževanju se srečujejo s podobnimi ovirami kot druge vrstnice v državah v razvoju: revščina, šolnine in s šolo povezani stroški, skrb za družino in družinska opravila, zgodnja poroka, zgodnja nosečnost … Med odraslimi ženskami je tako trenutno pismenih le okrog 25%. Pred dopolnjenim 18. letom se v Gambiji poroči 46.5 % deklet. Možnosti za vrnitev v šolo in dodatno učenje s tem nimajo več.


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